Pimo Dictionary is an extension of Experimental Relationship. It is a dictionary of our daily language. My mother language is Mandarin, and Moro’s mother language is Japanese. Usually we communicated with each other in English. Neither of our English is good enough to completely express ourselves or understand each other. So we come up with a hybrid of Chinese/Japanese/English/mantra/slang language. The dictionary works as a visual & textual manual for our own coded language and mannerisms.

The book was first hand-made during AIR residency at the Center for Photography at Woodstock in 2010. The project is made possible by CPW's A-I-R program

The book was first published by Jiazazhi in April 2018, in an edition of 500. And then 2nd edition by Jiazazhi in Dec 2018, in an edition of 400.

Available to buy online here.